I'm the Duke! We need to follow them, they have to be Lincoln's! I do it almost everyday, and it'snot that I hate going to them or don't want to support you, butsometimes, I wanted to take a break form all that, you know,unwind. I wonder if the windows are locked?" I let my pride get the best to me! I dont want to support you psychos! ", Lisa: "And if it's any consolation, you weren't the only one who should've thought about what you were doing. 5 months of research ruined. Nobody wanted to answer, but they knew things would get uglier if they didn't, so, Luna made the decision to walk slowly to the door and open it just enough to see who's out there but not to let them in. They were glad that they were still together like a loving family. [In stepped David, Winston, Skippy, Silas, Paige, Francisco, Benny, Sam, Chaz, and Bobby. (She storms out of his room and into the hallway. the goth girl added. (They arrive home. Rita: WE ARE THE MOST DISGRACEFUL PEOPLE EVER!!! Lola: WE'RE HORRIBLE BRATS!!! He crawls over to the kitchen sink and drinks deeply.). Lincoln: AND I NEVER, EVER WANT TO SEE YOU UNLUCKY PARASITES IN MY LIFE AGAIN!!! Hahahaha! I loved winning so much that didn't take my failure like a good sport, and started thiswhole bycalling you bad luck. I wont spend the whole afternoon working up an over sweat in that stupid costume that reeks and doesnt fit me! I hate this stupid beach! Lucy: So, that's it then? "Good," Jeffrey said, stepping aside and point to the doorway, "Now get out! ", Lynn: Oh Lincoln. Those honors go to Nickelodeon, Teletoon, Chris Savino, Stephen Hillenberg, John A. Davis, Louis Sachar and Gold Cartoonist (who is located on fanfiction). The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) View source Ah yes, No Such Luck. [Later, Lincoln and his family were sitting in the living room when the doorbell rang. The Loud House Re-Write - Linc or Swim. He really doesn't like us at all does he? "YOU KIDS ARE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE AND TO BE HONEST, I WAS GLAD WHEN YOUR PARENTS DECIDED TO TAKE YOU TO THAT HOTEL BECAUSE I COULDN'T STAND THE THOUGHT OF BEING STUCK WITH YOU MONSTERS FOR TWO DAYS!" Lori finished with. After a few seconds, the same pounding noise was heard yet again, this time even louder. Rita: (Gasps) Lincoln! Everyone awed over this.] "I can't believe you kids just did that," Rita said, tears running down her face like a river. They sold his furniture and forced him to wear a squirrel costume to bring them good luck.) # 17. the loud kamen rider by Dratinibro. The siblings glared at her for a moment but saw she had a point, it didn't make sense to ground her or Lily for that matter, she was a baby, anything she did wasn't entirely her fault. (Family begins to come around. ", Lincoln: "You know what, Lynn. As she started getting cleaning supplies to try and restore the lobby to a sense of glory, Maddie thought to herself, 'If the kids did this to the lobby on their way to find their parents. She's smarter than she looks and there's evidence canon in the show to prove it.). They got their answer when, suddenly, the door the spa was kicked open by someone's shoe. Theres nothing lucky about it! Lynn sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her. Especially Miss. Can you please just come down here? The furniture was all over the place, the shower was ruined, the air conditioner was gone and he noticed a 17-year old girl with blonde hair in a blue shirt outside, about to jump from the side of the balcony. "Why?" (thinks for a minute) "Hmm. ", Lincoln: "I won't deny that I brought this on myself. I do not own The Loud House, it belongs to Nickelodeon Animation, created by Chris Savino. WE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE!!! [Ronnie Anne handed Lincoln the card. Lola finished with. The woman groaned and responded with, "It's not so much the dip that got them in trouble, rather it was their lack of swimwear that did." ", (Lynn starts running towards him. After she did, Leni didn't get angry, but she did get upset, very upset at her parents. ", Lincoln: "Because your my sister." Where did you get the gall to talk to us like that!? This made the officer raise an eyebrow, not fully believing them. Leni stared crying and the rest of them followed suit. Luan: (tearful) We'll never be able to show our faces in public again. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Ive been a really nice guy with you for far too long! It's no fun without Lincoln! Especially with the ending, so I created this story to give it a better ending. Looking up from the soaking wet floor, the man said, in an unamused tone, "No. (yet another author interruption: the three obnoxious guys' characters are based on some of the staff that are/were working on the show at the time this episode first premiered, which is what the show did when they made this episode canon, I kept their first names but gave them new last names. The worst part is, they had no argument against this. Lincoln: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We are no longer grounded to the room. But worse than that, I was being a horrible sister!" "What," Felix said, "what is it?" Both Lynn Sr. and Rita responded in a slow, nervous stutter, "Yes." "you bad luck, Lincoln!" Why? "WE HATE YOUR DISGUSTING PUDDING!" Lisa: (sighs) Obviously one that needs our cerebrums and mental spirits adjusted. I will not be discarded and than used!! You're like some mindless mob and I hate that! Lori was trying to figure out a way back into the hotel room. See if I care! Said baby had an angry face and she glared at her mom and dad, "Poo poo!" lincoln. Lori: (sighs) Maybe we did go a little too far with these crazy superstitions. ", Lincoln: "Still, I wish I would've just told you guys the truth, then maybe none of this would've happened. All of you!" Lynn and Lana were accidentally destroying the hotel shower. Well just grin and bear it. Lynn: Stop being such a baby and just put that suit back on! An alternate ending to Underratedheros story, "Requiem For A Loud". I hate that you all are as dumb as a big fat rock! He briefly looks at the family photo, beginning to cry. SQUIRRELS WIN! ", Rita: (with a broken voice) "We're so sorry Lincoln! Lincoln blushed and hugged Ronnie Anne. The Loud siblings appeared in the lobby, completely red in the face, as angry as a bull seeing red and they looked ready to destroy everything in their path. And when Maddie got up from the desk, what she saw horrified her. He even then flips over and smashes the trophy case. ), Lincoln: But you know what!? They felt nothing but guilt and shamein their hearts, even the goth child who claims to not have one. Making Lincoln think we don't care about him? Luan added. N Eddy's big picture show . I'll definitely come to your next game, Lynn. The parents were shown to be hypocritical at the end, telling their children to behave when they cause the whole family to be kicked out and then tricking them into going to Aunt Ruth's and letting them have a nice weekend at a homemade spa (yes I'm aware the Aunt Ruth thing happens more or less unintentionally but come on, it doesn't really make a massive difference). (Bursts into tears). (The sisters tear up over their passions being so heavily insulted) I hate it that you lowlifes never learn a thing! Luan: Yeah, our luck has just run out! Sam: Luna, I got your letter. She knew it didn't mean the weather, it was going to be bright and sunny all day. "Do you have any idea how guilty you made us feel for possibly ruining your vacation for acting like ourselves?" He had a glare on his face and he was tapping his foot on the ground repetitively, showing that he was serious. You tricked us in the first place. So we've been in here trying to pass the time. Lincoln: "Coming!" She then added, "I was just talking to my boyfriend when suddenly the sliding door closes and I can't get back in. Lincoln, you are now free to come back into the house.". the family opens the door to see a ticked off Lincoln. (closes the door to the room) Lincoln: Okay then. Lynn Sr.: But son..if you wanted time off, all you had to do was just say so! "So just so you can remember clearly," Lincoln started with, before he and his sisters got red in the face, "WE HATE YOU!" No such luck: alternate ending 2 by iann28 on DeviantArt N literature No such luck: alternate ending 2 Add to Favourites Comment By iann28 Published: Apr 5, 2018 Favourites 0 Comments 4.9K Views *Lincoln approaches the front yard with a megaphone. His choreography is so dated. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. ", Lincoln: "Thanks. I need a very big, long rest from them. They knew their kids wouldn't like that but this was supposed to be a weekend for themselves, not the family, and the kids should've just accepted it and gone to Ruth's. Now our only brother doesn't want us anymore. Everyone finally realized that what they've done. Lincoln: (tearful) No! But in hindsight, I guess I should've thought about it more before lying to you guys. Right now." Are you no longer grounded to the room?" Lynn Sr. and Rita were not happy to hear that, but knew that arguing with their kids would be pointless. I hate gator wrestling! "As grateful as I am that I saved you from making a dangerous decision," the man said, his tone getting lighter for a moment before returning to a serious tone, "I'm afraid that doesn't do much to the amount of trouble you're all in.". I do not own Loud House, Spongebob Squarepants, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Wayside or Loud House Tales. While we do so, sit on the couch and DON'T MOVE!" Bad. "No," Lynn Sr. and Rita responded with, not liking where this was going. ], Baseball Announcer: "It's goingit's goingIT'S GONE!!! And I HATE LEECHES!" turns her attention to Lincoln) "Get out! "Mr. Security Officer, if I may," his attention went down to that of a four-year old girl with shaggy brown hair, glasses and a green sweatshirt, she pointed to the three other men in the room, and said, "I'd like to point out that these three imbeciles welcomed themselves into our room for no good reason. Lincoln asked, as he started crying yet had an angry look on his face, "What's really lousy is that you guys had the nerve to make us feel guilty for the stuff we did when the reason we got kicked out of the hotel was because you two decided to act like irresponsible teenagers and go for a late night swim in the pool without any swimwear on!" "We don't have a hotel room anymore," Lincoln said, in a very angry tone that the parents weren't used to seeing. I have just had it! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Just so you know, in case you ask about that). She opens it, revealing all of the siblings' love interests.] Rita: I guess this is what we get for selling all his stuff. After half an hour, Lincoln begins to sweat like crazy and lose his mind. Patching Things Up / Cheater by the Dozen. So, I plan to rectify that. Not you or Lucy. Rita: Honey, please. Rita tried to say something, but she couldn't. Get me arrested. ), Lynn: (Screams in despair) ROASTED, BEATEN, VERBALLY THRASHED AND TOSSED INTO THE SEA BY MY ONLY BROTHER!!!! Lincoln: No, im your good luck charm! Luan then walked up to Leni and whispered into her ear. Ugh!" ), Lincoln: "What am I doing here? You think you can just say sorry after making me look like a freak and everything will be fine!?! Are you saying that our parents are responsible getting us kicked out?" We don't want to stare at you on the drive home, so you're sitting in the back." Theres no need to shout. Lucy: (shedding tears) Me too. I know remaking this episode has been done to death, so this is probably the only alternate ending I'm going to do for this episode. It was created for a St. Patrick's Day episode, but flopped hard. "Well mom, you know what I think?" I hate fashion shows! NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. I am an 11 year old boy, not some object to be pushed away and than used! This Fanfic is a MASSIVE critique on every fanfic that is targeting the Episode "No Such Luck" of the Western Animation Series "The Loud House." Also it is part Satire, so most of the behavior of the Characters appearing here may not be their usual self's. If you like all the Revenge-Fics who like to torment Lincoln's family and/or present his . ", Lincoln:[to the viewers] "Maybe I can move into Lisa's fallout shelter. We should thought about it ourselves before jumping to a preposterous conclusion that you were bad luck. She pointed to the back row of seats. As much as she didn't want to, she knew that slamming the door in his face would make the situation even worse than it already was, so she opened the door enough for him to get in. Lana: You know, all of a sudden, I really hate myself! Give it back! So they, begrudgingly, got in the back seats. Everyone winced at the final words out of Lola's mouth, but not the woman on the other end. "Aha!," she said, in triumph over what she found, "It appears that you were kicked out and supposed to leave the hotel at 9 am sharp." (he goes to the living room window. It was against the law. ", Luna: "No, you were right. ", Rita: "I think we heard enough. Lynn added. How can I help you?" YOU HATE US!!! I'm not bad luck. The family and Bobby are there to support Lynn. No more Loud Family? I'll keep it between the both of us. ", (after a few seconds of silence, Lincoln smiles at them), Lincoln: "I forgive you." This time, it's the infamous "No Such Luck". I don't need you chumps at my stupid games! (He picks up the squirrel suit, jumps up and down on the head and starts ripping the chest)", Lynn: HEY! "Room 5," Felix answered with, "On the 11th floor." DeviantArt Protect. Lincoln: Throughout my life, ive been teased, laughed at, kicked out of rooms, blamed, grounded for petty reasons and done so many humiliating deeds for all of you! When Vanzilla pulled into the Loud Family driveway, Lori turned to her parents and said, "We're going to take our luggage up to our rooms. They knew they not only had the bill from the hotel to worry about, but also the possibility of getting sued. The family sees this and gasps in shock.). You don't care about me, you think I'm nothing, but a thing, you care about no one, but yourselves, you never wanted a boy, you don't have feelings, you all feel NOTHING ANYMORE!!! Just tell us and well let you skip it. *Sniff* I thought he liked our things! i certainly didn't expect something like that, but i guess curiosity must be fed. Putting the phone on speaker, they waited for her to pick up the phone. Rita stood up and heads to the door. My coffin. ", Baseball Announcer: "Just look at our poor squirrels! I hate boring science lectures! You locked me out of my room, sold all my furniture and made me into a thing!! Lynn Sr. and Rita wanted to say something, but saw the glares on their kids' faces and knew that they wouldn't get anywhere arguing. Nobody ruins my life, casts me out and then uses me, understand!? Today I'm doing a new story called 'Hall Monster Linka,' as you can tell this a story that features Linka Loud and her brothers. Lincoln: Girls! I hate softball! Lincoln: You are a stupid bully, a coward, a nobody, a freak, a lamebrain, a beast and the worst sister ever AND THAT'S THAT!!!! Understood?!" But right now, ive had it! Lincoln: (to the viewers) Welp, I may be forced to stay here for quite a long time, but at least I finally got away from my so-called "family"! The voice asked. They were thinking that they should've told their kids no and that they were going to stay at Aunt Ruth's for the weekend. I need to get out of here! She hugged him back.] ", Luna: (opens her arms out) "Come here, bro." During the drive, there was nothing but silence, which is very uncommon for a vehicle that is usually occupied by 13 people. Im sick of everything thats happened to me! "Hi, Aunt Ruth," Lola said, in a fake sweet tone, "it's your niece Rita's kids." Also, just to note, not all of my stories are going to be this gritty or serious or emotional. Just a heads up, this ending is going to feature a lot of yelling from the siblings and behavior/actions that some of you may believe that I'm representing the siblings in a bad light. My team needs that! (He gathers up a sleeping bag, pillow and snacks. He turned to specifically glare at the parents and added, "And just so you know, you're banned for life now. This article should a part 2 episode in Season 5. except in this story, the family never believed that he was bad luck in the first place. "I'm not sure," Felix responded with, "I've got two groups of people saying they have one of our hotel rooms at the same time. ", Lincoln: (nervously) "Well, there is this new Ace Savvy movie that just came out, but I know none of you like Ace Savvy like I do. Why are you being arrested?! Rita pondered for a moment and then said, "Hey I know, why don't we make a quick stop to Aunt Ruth's and" Her idea was interrupted by Lori slamming on the brakes hard, jerking the van to stop. Not a loud alt ending6. QUIET! No Such Luck / Frog Wild. Speaking of, I plan to do another alternate ending to another Loud House episode, the ending for it might have been wholesome and good, I just feel that the events that happen in the episode could've been prevented if the siblings did this, that's all I'm going to say. . My family learned not to let something as stupid as superstitions get to them and tear us apart, and I learned to just be honest about things like this instead of convincing them about something ridiculous just take a break from going to certain events. Lynn: (sighs) Who am I kidding? When my so-called 'family' gets home, I'm gonna have a talk with them." Hearing their son shout at them like this, both mad and sad at them, broke their hearts. ", [The sound of the ball getting hit by the bat is heard and the rest of Lynn's team runs the remaining bases. I was being a sore loser! Eventually, Rita broke the long silence, saying, "Kids, I know you're angry at us for causing us to be kicked out of the hotel. Lori responded with, yelling the last few words. Kick the . But the woman did, "That your parents were caught skinny dipping after hours? Lincoln was put into a coma during the nsl incident where he meets kamen rider diend and is given his powers afterwards he takes Lily and runs away to canterlot where he. Lola: We are your family, we do want you, we promise! ", Lynn Sr.: (with a broken voice) "And we were horrible parents to you, locking you out! Post an update . *Later in the Duke's room, Lincoln approaches Angus* Angus: Ah Lincoln, What's seems to be on your mind? SO I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!" When the officer entered the room, he was shocked at what he saw. Lola: *Gasp* My lovely car! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! They thought that if they did or said something that this man didn't like, he would turn them to stone with his glare. ", Lola: (with a sad look on her face) "No. First, she got groans from her children and then Lola said, "What isn't wrong with Aunt Ruth?" Lisa: (sighs in humiliation) Me neither..falling for some dumb superstition, despite always taking pride in science and not curses!! "YOU THINK I ENJOY BEING VISITIED BY YOU LITTLE MONSTERS?! Lincoln finally got through to them, but he didn't feel happy about seeing them cry, he knew he was still partly to blame), Leni: (with a broken voice) "What have we done?! We know we don't deserve it, but we hope you can forgive us! Lynn pitches and the opposing batter hits the ball right back her, knocking her socks, shoes, and hat off and making her spin in mid-air before landing on the ground. Directors Kyle Marshall (segment Frog Wild) Chris Savino (segment No Such Luck) Writers Chris Savino Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. ], Lynn: "Lincoln, you could've tripped and cost us the entire game! Lincoln: You can't do anything right! ", Lola: "Don't try to fool us! I don't expect it to be good, I just felt like doing an alternative ending. The End. I came to your game to support you, not just because you threatened me with your bat. We got your back. ", Lincoln: (to Leni) "Leni, all those times I went to the Mall with you to pick out clothes, anything bad happen those times? Lincoln: Im sorry this happened. We had no idea this family could be so gullible. WE RUINED OUR WHOLE FAMILY!!! Rita got up from her seat and said, "Kids, let me explain" "Explain what?!" Lucy: Helping a brother who helped me. Rita walked over to her side of their bed and sat down, put her hands on her head and started sobbing. I hate that you don't care about anyone, but yourselves! Ronnie Anne: Happy Valentines Day, Lincoln. Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention. ", Pep:[downright bored] "I think I've wasted my life. Luna: [Blushes] Really? I don't want this stupid bunch of brats in my life anymore! We were given the room." A late St. Patrick's Day story for austin2468. I get that i was pretty stupid myself to spread that stupid fib, i should have just opened up! House of Lies alt ending14. Lincoln and Lucy were dealing with a fictional ghost. Once again, this shocked Rita, she thought she knew her aunt, but clearly she was wrong. They suddenly feel saddened, guilty, broken and worried. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. ", Lincoln: "No, Lucy. 902 8 2. In. Despite the pain his body was in, Felix grabbed his walkie talkie and said, "Maddie." I was being selfish!. On the other end, Maddie, an African-American woman in her mid-20's with short curly hair, heard what Felix said and got worried. Slamming the sliding glass door shut, he turned around and glared at everyone in the room. White hair extended ending9. [Normal - Remake - Original - Alternate Ending] 11 Louds a Leapin' Intern for the Worse / The Old and the Restless. She walked into the spa and asked, in her usual ditzy tone, "Hey guys? "They have a point there honey," Lynn Sr. said, before immediately clasping his mouth shut, his wife glaring at him for saying that. I'm not. YOU ARE NOT BAD LUCK!!! Lynn: FINE! I'm supposed to be the most special Loud of all. Lisa: (with a broken voice, but not as loud): "Even an intelligence person such as myself fell for such bologna. Lana: *Gasp* All my pets are now homeless! He just looks away as he enters the police car, and is driven away to jail. Our family wouldn't be a family without-. Morag: Not stuck in your sister's shadows. Luna, Luan, Lola and Lisa were battling off against three obnoxious hotel guests that made all of them look like saints. I don't need anyone! Our parents grounded us to this room because we got in trouble yesterday. Cuts back to now. I feel like a fool!" Lynn Sr.: (with a broken voice) "And we were horrible parents to you, locking you out! And after that, the whole room was silent. What seems to be the problem?" "Same here." Turning to the siblings, he asked, "When are supposed to leave?" Lori said afterwards, knowing that everyone would've been confused by her talk. Status Update. "AND WE ESPECIALLY HATE HAVING TO LOOK AT THOSE BUNION INFESTED FEET OF YOURS! I-, Lincoln: "LYNN!" (They keep searching the house. (she comes down into the living room and whistles loudly) FAMILY, DOWN HERE NOW!!! "WELL, NOW THAT I KNOW HOW YOU KIDS FEEL ABOUT ME! Baby Steps / Brawl in the Family. Whats next? And once again, computer typing was heard and, after a couple minutes, she got her answer. The kids, of course, still had some demands to give their parents. I WISH YOU'D NEVER EXISTED!!!!! Lynn: Well, its because of that costume that i won my last game! INT-LOUD HOUSE-LINCOLN'S ROOM (Lincoln and Lucy have just finished reading the new homemade comic that she made for him.) Angus: (surprised by the question) Oh my. Lincoln: So where did this looney belief that i was bad luck suddenly come from, huh!? My last one just got messed up and i wish to make one properly. Lincoln: Lucy! after they let go, Lincoln notices Lynn standing with her head down.) Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. This triggered events that none of the Loud House family could have seen. Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and . She hoped the kids would say something, but all they got were grunts of disbelief. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his parents and five sisters as an infant and was forced to fend for himself 11 years later Lincoln has adapted to his new hunting and gathering lifestyle and. (It cuts to the beach, Lincoln is in sunglasses and a hat.). Completed Incredible from The Incredibles on the cover. His sisters join too and put Lynn in her place. Lynn Loud Sr. and Rita Loud were in the spa, trying to get their minds off the trouble their kids caused yesterday. One Squirrel tosses the bat right at Lincoln by accident. Lincoln: I admit, it was stupid of me to drag that lie on, but while i learn an important lesson not to be a fibber more than i needed, what do you numbnuts learn!? I hate the fact that you all act like spoiled brats! Luna: We just weren't thinking bro, we're sorry. This is also a parody fanfiction that is based on Spongebob Squarepants' episode 'Hall Monitor,' The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron's episode 'Hall Monster,' Wayside's episode 'Safety Monitor,' it is also based on a chapter from Loud House Tales that was called 'Hall Monitor,' however that is no longer up for some reason, and Lynn Loud Jr. being a hall monitor in the Loud House season 5 episode 'Schooled!' Also yes, this story takes place in season 5. I hate the fact that I was ever related to you monsters! I don't want to pick a movie you guys possiblyly won't enjoy, I want to watch something all of us will enjoy." Goodbye for now. She also knew it wasn't about Jeffrey, the manager, because any reviews he gave to staff were done over a month ago. "Lynn," Rita said, as she rose her head to meet with his, "Be honest with me, do you think we can earn our kids' trust back?" (Lincoln picks up the remains of the squirrel suit, blows a spiteful raspberry to the family and runs off in fury and sorrow. Taking the device out of the girl's hand. Why did you kick me out of the house? She shouted that last part at the top of her lungs. Thats what my problem is! Lincoln yelled, "WE HATE YOU!" ", Sisters (sans Lynn, with sad looks on their faces): "No. ", [Later, they arrive back in their house.]. * Instead he found comfort in being hugged by Leni, glaring at her parents as she did so. WE WENT TOO FAR!!! WE'RE BRUTES!!! I'm calling the cops! Lana: (sniffles) Butthese were all our pride and joy! As in, how ill knock your head over heels! I know you would never label me bad luck, and youd never neglect me. They kick and punch and claw at each other for several minutes until Lincoln picks Lynn up.). He had a glare on his face and he was tapping his foot on the ground repetitively, showing that he was serious. With that, the parents just held each other for the remainder of the night, promising to do whatever it took to earn back their children's trust. After spending a good 10-15 minutes unpacking and putting everything back in the respective places in their rooms, the siblings walked into the living room and saw their parents were in fact still sitting on the couch. Luna: I can't believe we made him feel as if we can't feel anymore or that we don't love and care for him. (breaks from the hugs) *sighs* "I'm sorry for lying. Luna: Bro, why you so upset? There is the occasional food break, of course, where the reactors recount what they learned. Things were destroyed or damaged and they saw some people getting tended to for bruises. "Good riddance." Rita Her Rights alt ending11. ", Leni: (with a sad look on her face) "No. Lincoln: I've had enough of this stupid costume! MLP - Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Pinkie. You're all just pure wastes of life! Lincoln: "Did anything bad happen, something life threatening that I would be deemed 'bad luck'? And can you please unlock my room for me? ", "Can I just say that I was only out there because I was accidentally locked out." I hate that you made me feel like an outcast! This whole trip their parents were telling them to behave and they got grounded when they didn't, but now they're learning that they did something to cause them to be kicked out of the hotel after only one day. Mentioning their Aunt Ruth's bunions caused the siblings to gag, before returning back to normal and glaring at their parents. she responded back with, in a bit of an uninterested tone. Luna blushed. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. CircularBoat742 19 March 2017 User blog:CircularBoat742. (He tears the costume off, leaving a very red and sweat-coated body in his wake. They were my favourite! Who do you think you are, calling us names and insulting us like that!? I just hurt Lynn! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. When they saw the lobby, they knew the bill was going to be expensive. That answer definitely caused this man's brain to get straight to work. (continues to cry. They also saw Lori in the front seat, Lynn Sr. knocked on the window.