At least two casino companies and a pair of yacht clubs on the Coast received funds as well. They and many more companies ultimately returned the money after public outcry. Most of those that answered were white and male-owned, shown below: Use the tables below for full lists of Misssissippi's PPP recipients, by business and industry: -- Article credit to Alex Rozier of Mississippi Today --. The program caps forgiveness for salaries at $100,000 per employee, more than twice the states median household income. The Retzer Group, which operates McDonald's franchises, got at least $5 in PPP money. Contact Giacomo "Jack" Bologna at 601-961-7282 or All rights reserved. The data release also includes overall statistics regarding dollars lent per state, loan amounts, top lenders, and distribution by industry. The overwhelming majority of owners who received PPP loans legitimately used the money to retain employees and stay operational. "This money helped us bridge a gap to keep people gainfully employed," the statement said. Founded in 2016 as the states first nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, Mississippi Todays roots in Capitol coverage have grown to encompass a myriad of beats beyond politics and policy, including education, public health, justice, environment, equity, and, yes, sports. The U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury Department, today announced it was releasing detailed loan-level data regarding the loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). - Study Breaks, Get Ready for a Week of Unhinged Attacks on Biden and Harris - The Bulwark. The goal is to fund small businesses that have been economically impacted due to the coronavirus pandemic. The program is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act President Donald Trump signed. of Loans Jobs Retained In total, over 79,000 businesses in Mississippi have been approved for PPP loans. According to the data set, these loans will allow the businesses to retain a total of 412,492 jobs. examining federal efforts to prevent, detect, and prosecute pandemic relief fraud to safeguard funds for all eligible americans 117th congress (2021-2022) The grant program is being overseen by the Mississippi Development Authority, which has contracted with a company to help run it. The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more. The woman submitted two fraudulent PPP loan applications, and was sentenced to three years of probation and ordered to pay full restitution of the fraudulently obtained loan. It lowered the share of the loan that a company must spend on payroll and gave them a longer period of time to use the money. In total, Mississippi businesses received between $2.5 billion and $4.4 billion in loans, spread across 45,000 recipients loans of $150,000 or larger are only disclosed in ranges. - The Atlantic, The Fountainhead Reading Group with Andrew Bernstein - The Objective Standard, Copyright 2000 to 2023 Prometheism Transhumanism Post Humanism. Editorial cartoons and photo essays are not included under the Creative Commons license and therefore do not have the "Republish This Story" button option. Ruth's Hospitality Group, which owns the Ruth's Chris Steak House chain, AutoNationand ShakeShack are among those that took out PPP loans. The published data now include specific amounts businesses have received, as well as the names of places that got smaller loans. Those loans represent nearly three-fourths of total loan dollars approved, but a far smaller proportion of the number of actual loans. By industry: There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Lawmakers decided in mid-May to set aside $300 million of that money for small business owners. Bankers, lawyers, and consultants told Business Insider that the volume of pre-approved loans will soak up the second round of funding.If you don't receive emergency government funding, it's suggested for small businesses to seek funding through tax relief, private companies, local governments, and organizations offering small business grants. Lawmakers drew up a list of specific industries and estimated that there were about 30,000 small business within those industries. Those in excess of $150,000 break down as follows: $5M - $10M: 16 Recipients. Some 3,890 Mississippi companies received PPP loans in excess of $150,000. Browse & Search CARES Act PPP Recipients by Company names The following data was provided by the SBA & US Treasury Department showing a breakdown of all the name of companies who received PPP loans over $150,000. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. Copyright 2022 Winston County Journal | Terms of Use| Privacy Policy, More than $4 billion in PPP loans have now made its way to Mississippi after Congress approved another round of federal support this year. Southern States Utility Trailer Sales Inc. Politically, according to the Washington Post, companies with connections to a handful of federal lawmakers, like Foremost Maritime, which is a shipping business controlled by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have received PPP loans. More than 50 companies reported that the funds would help them hold onto at least 400 employees. The law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, whose chairman David Boies has represented powerful clients such as former Vice President Al Gore in the Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case, received between $5 million and $10 million. We believe that an informed Mississippi is a better Mississippi. Political organizations also received loans: The Ohio Democratic Party got at least $150,000 and the Florida Democratic Party Building Fund got at least $350,000, while the Women's National Republican Club of New York got at least $350,000, the Black Republican Caucus in Florida got at least $150,000. Grace Pateras and Joe Harrington contributed to this story. More than $4 billion in PPP loans have now made its way to Mississippi after Congress approved another round of federal support this year. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name. Designed to cover expenses such as payroll and rent, the loans do not have to be paid back if at least 60 percent of the money is spent keeping or rehiring workers. Frank has served his community in both elected and appointed public office, hosted his own local radio and television programs, and managed private businesses all while being an engaged husband and father. As was the case after the first round of the Paycheck Protection Program last summer, the states top recipients so far include restaurants, doctors and dentists offices, legal practices, construction companies, car dealers, hotels and religious organizations. In total, over 79,000 businesses in Mississippi have been approved for PPP loans. Click on a company's name to see additional loan details. Across the country, more than 660,000 businesses received $150,000 or up to the $10 million maximum from the small-business lending program. Millsaps, Tougaloo and Rust colleges each receivedbetween $2 million and $5 million. Search through Mississippi businesses that benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program with our database by searching below. Todays data shows that small businesses of all types and across all industries benefited from this unprecedented program. But We Wish It Had Been - Fatherly, A field guide to the pandemic deniers - Salon, Mastodon, Tool, Coheed + Cambria, Primus Members Team on Cover of Rush's 'Anthem' - Loudwire, Daddy Ducey had his chance to deal with COVID; It's time to call Mom | What the Devil won't tell you -, Peter Bart: How Hollywood Learned That Mixing Politics And Art Can Turn Big Ideas Into B-Pictures - Deadline, The saga of the doctor versus the denier continues - Antelope Valley Press, Making it on your own in pandemic | Opinion - News-Press Now, Every generation gets 'The Baby-Sitters Club' it deserves - SFGate, How Amber Heard went from a small town in Texas to centre stage in Hollywood's most explosive trial yet - Evening Standard, Big problems with the Paycheck Protection Program? This year alone, nearly a hundred thousand Mississippians received $2.3 billion in PPP loans from the CARES Act, which provided much-needed financial assistance to business owners. To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name. The PPP is providing much-needed relief to millions of American small businesses, supporting more than 51 million jobs and over 80 percent of all small business employees, who are the drivers of economic growth in our country, said Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more. Changs, Legal Sea Foods and Silver Diner either received PPP loans or had investors connected to the company that did. Chang's China Bistro and Chop't received aid of between $5 million and $10 million. At least a dozen prominent investment firms obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars in assistance each, with at least two saying the money would help retain zero jobs. There were several errors in the database, so it's not clear whether all the companies listed received the funds. Revealed: How U.S. Gov't & Hollywood Secretly Worked Together to Justify Atomic Bombings of Japan - Democracy Now! On average, businesses in the state received about $7,000 per employee. Businesses in California ,Texas and New York that received loans reported having about 4.1 million, 2.7 million and 2 million total employees, respectively. Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. The company is investing $2.4 million in their Mississippi operation and adding 32 new jobs. The Land Title Association of Mississippi is a professional association dedicated to creating an environment which enables its members to provide the public with the highest quality land title evidencing, title insurance and settlement services. But about 3,500 Mississippi businesses that received PPP loans said they would retain zero jobs with the money. According to DOR spokesman Jacob Manley, the agency has sent out checks to 11,905 businesses for a total of $23.6 million, which isabout a third of what the program was supposed to distribute. The Skip team has been one of the top resources in the US for SBA-related funding and other private funding options since 2020. Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. In 2019, Alex was a grantee through the Pulitzer Centers Connected Coastlines program, which supported his coverage around the impact of climate change on Mississippi fisheries. Scallan said the agency is still encouraging small business owners to apply for grants at the following website: Yet that rate varies greatly; J&W Transport LLC, a trucking company in Jackson, received a loan of over $260,000 to pay one employee. Mississippi businesses that applied for and received a loan as part of a national effort to save small companies during the coronavirus pandemic is now public information. Grace Pateras and Joe Harrington contributed to this story. The released data also include information about smaller loan recipients, but excluded their names. The goal is to fund small businesses that have been economically impacted due to the coronavirus pandemic. Borrowers are eligible for full forgiveness as long as they maintain the same level of employment and compensation for a certain period and spend most of the loan on their payroll. Secret IRS data shows it's paying off - Salon, Heres hoping this USC/UCLA-Big Ten merger careens off the track, crashes and burns | Jones - PennLive, LETTER: Thank cadre deployment and BEE for the mess - BusinessLIVE, Why The Racist Left Smears Clarence Thomas As An 'Angry Black Man' - The Federalist, This Is the Most Important Decision You Can Make To Increase Sales Right Now! Find Latest SBA PPP Loan Details Search by Business name, city, state, loan amount etc Search Loan Details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. by Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today July 7, 2020, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. About 87% of the loans were for less than $150,000, according to the SBA. Any amount helps us keep producing quality journalism for Mississippi. All Rights Reserved. Northeast wind 0 to 5 mph. Read or Share this story:, Mississippi PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who received them - Hattiesburg American, Copyright 2000 to 2023 Prometheism Transhumanism Post Humanism | Prometheism | Euvolution | Pierre Teilhard De Chardin,, Ayn Rand - Books, Quotes & Philosophy - Biography. Wall Street investment groups, including Semper Capital Management LP and Domini Impact Investments LLC, which manage billions of dollars, also received PPP loans according to Reuters. Disbursements to Mississippi businesses ranged from $100 to a $10 million loan, which went to Staff Pro LLC, an employment agency in Gulfport. Wochit. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please reload the page and try again. Yet that rate varies greatly; J&W Transport LLC, a trucking company in Jackson, received a loan of over $260,000 to pay one employee. The Archdiocese of New York got a loan valued at between $5 million and $10 million, while the Catholic Charities of the Archdioceses of San Francisco, Washington, D.C., New Orleans and Boston, among others, all received assistance valued at more than $2 million. The Government alleged that Mr. Martinez acquired approval to issue PPP loans as a non-bank lender and earned over $70 million in lender fees. Internationally, South Korean airline Korean Air received a PPP loan. Politically, according to the Washington Post, companies with connections to a handful of federal lawmakers, like Foremost Maritime, which is a shipping business controlled by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have received PPP loans. If you do not have an existing account, you can also easily register or login with an existing Google, Facebook or Apple account. $2M - $5M: 118 Recipients. Dozens of private and charter schools got aid. While the aim of the program was to aid ailing companies with less than 500 employees, its effectiveness has remained unclear. The US government recently added a second round of $310 billion to PPP loan program. Trump on Saturday signed the extension into law. It has approved 4.9 million loans for a total of more than $521 billion. Each small business was supposed to receive a $2,000 check. All Data Obtained From the SBA. Based on the data, between $2,511,750,192 and $4,436,550,192 have been loaned through the Payroll Protection Program to businesses in Mississippi. The US government recently added a second round of $310 billion to PPP loan program. Below is a list of South Mississippi business that received PPP loans . You have to credit Mississippi Today. Wall Street investment groups, including Semper Capital Management LP and Domini Impact Investments LLC, which manage billions of dollars, also received PPP loans according to Reuters. So here are the links and resources I mentioned. - The Bulwark, Boris Johnsons Covid bravado insults the NHS and the public - The Guardian, Science Fiction in a Time of Crisis - Filmmaker Magazine, The criticism facing Rishi Sunak has nothing to do with race, and all to do with greed - iNews, Zack Snyder's Star Wars-Themed Movie Recruits The Princess Bride Star - Giant Freakin Robot, Debate sparked after University of Bristol students try to 'cancel' controversial speaker - Bristol Live, Rishi Sunak is a terrible bloke, regardless of his wife's finances -, Understanding the Roots of the New Inflation: With Rob Tarr - New Ideal, First Wind Film Development To Adapt Rick Bleiweiss Blackstone Novel Pignon Scorbion And The Barbershop Detectives For TV - Deadline, 'My jagged path to cap and gown': Reflections from a 23-year-old expectant high school graduate - Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel, Don't Believe The Hype: The Left Wish They Ran Cancel Culture Like This - Above the Law, Who is John Malone, the 'Cable Cowboy' and GB News backer who could buy Channel 4? Manley said that business owners who did not receive a check, but felt they qualified should email with their business name, account number and the reason they believe their business met the criteria for the $2,000 check. If you do not have an existing account, you can also easily use an existing Google, Facebook or Apple account. Yet that rate varies greatly; J&W Transport LLC, a trucking company in Jackson, received a loan of over $260,000 to pay one employee. In Mississippi, 17 businesses received loans between $5-$10 million, the highest range of funding. Central Mississippi Civic Improvement Association, Inc. Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging, East Mississippi Electric Power Association. You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style.